Thursday, October 29, 2009

A Rant

I would be lying if I where to tell you it wasn't frustrating.
I'm sure I have made it clear in my past two entries.
That I have always loved the different Asian cultures.
My family thinks it is a silly little phase of mine.
So in other words I get no support.

They laughed at me and admited they didn't support me.
So imagin their reactions when I told them I was going to
learn to speak Japanese.

Not only that when I told them that when I get to college I would transfure
to a college in Japan? That way I could get a job as an English teacher?
Why is it so hard for them to accept my decison?
I am almost 18 years old but I know what I want.

They just don't understand.
I know what I want.

Learn Japanese
Move to Japan
Finish College
Teach English
Become a Novelist
Adopt children(At 25)

I don't really see myself getting married. But I could work someone in there.
My parents thnking it's funny about my attraction to Asian men.
They just don't understand.
But I suppose this rant of mine makes me seem like a child.

Doesn't it?

Saturday, October 3, 2009

How it started

Ever sense I was about three or Four I loved Asian culture.
It started with Sailor Moon and Yu Yu Hakusho.
Of course back than I was not aware that they origionated
for Japan. (I recently re watched Sailor Moon English dub is terrible)
If you ever watch it stick to the origional dub.

As I got older I started reading books that took place in Japan or Korea and China.
I will forever be a lover of the fairytales and Myths I read that came from those contires.
Than when I entered my teens and I came in contact with the wonders of Internet.
I came in contact with modern music from those contires.

Shout out to Miyavi and Melody and their daughter Lovelie. Who was born on July 29,2009 hope parenthood is treating Miyavi and Melody well. ;)

But now my desire to learn the languages of those countries have earned me strange looks from my family. They think I am stupid for wanting to go there. Even my best friends mom. She thinks that I will grow out of my desire. But I wont. How can I when I have loved China and Korea and Japan for the past fifteen years? How can I just 'grow' out of it.

It's a part of me now. I wonder if all of this is the reason why Asian guys catch my eye more times then white guys. And I wonder if there is a great Asian guy out there for me?

Friday, October 2, 2009

Hmmmm an Intorduction?

What to say?

Me an almost 18 year old girl who has had a life long love of all things Asian?
The cultures and History fasinates me and I always want to learn more about it.
I am currently attempting to learn to speak either Korean or Japanese.
Maybe one day I will work on Mandrin?
But according to this girl on youtube who I subscribe to. It is Hella hard.

Well maybe I should tell you my name is Rachel?
And one day I want to be a noelist and an English teacher in either Korea or Japan?
My mom says I'm crazy.
Says I should just say put here in small town,Georgia,USA.

But she doesn't understand this White girl needs to see
The Countries that have held her interest for so long!